

下载文件 点击下载此文件


function hasSupport() {

    if (typeof hasSupport.support != "undefined")
        return hasSupport.support;
    var ie55 = /msie 5\.[56789]/i.test( navigator.userAgent );
    hasSupport.support = ( typeof document.implementation != "undefined" &&
            document.implementation.hasFeature( "html", "1.0" ) || ie55 )
    // IE55 has a serious DOM1 bug... Patch it!
    if ( ie55 ) {
        document._getElementsByTagName = document.getElementsByTagName;
        document.getElementsByTagName = function ( sTagName ) {
            if ( sTagName == "*" )
                return document.all;
                return document._getElementsByTagName( sTagName );

    return hasSupport.support;

// The constructor for tab panes
// el : HTMLElement        The html element used to represent the tab pane
// bUseCookie : Boolean    Optional. Default is true. Used to determine whether to us
//                        persistance using cookies or not
function WebFXTabPane( el, bUseCookie ) {
    if ( !hasSupport() || el == null ) return;
    this.element = el;
    this.element.tabPane = this;
    this.pages = [];
    this.selectedIndex = null;
    this.useCookie = bUseCookie != null ? bUseCookie : true;
    // add class name tag to class name
    this.element.className = this.classNameTag + " " + this.element.className;
    // add tab row
    this.tabRow = document.createElement( "div" );
    this.tabRow.className = "tab-row";
    el.insertBefore( this.tabRow, el.firstChild );

    var tabIndex = 0;
    if ( this.useCookie ) {
        tabIndex = Number( WebFXTabPane.getCookie( "webfxtab_" + this.element.id ) );
        if ( isNaN( tabIndex ) )
            tabIndex = 0;
    this.selectedIndex = tabIndex;
    // loop through child nodes and add them
    var cs = el.childNodes;
    var n;
    for (var i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
        if (cs[i].nodeType == 1 && cs[i].className == "tab-page") {
            this.addTabPage( cs[i] );

WebFXTabPane.prototype.classNameTag = "dynamic-tab-pane-control";

WebFXTabPane.prototype.setSelectedIndex = function ( n ) {
    if (this.selectedIndex != n) {
        if (this.selectedIndex != null && this.pages[ this.selectedIndex ] != null )
            this.pages[ this.selectedIndex ].hide();
        this.selectedIndex = n;
        this.pages[ this.selectedIndex ].show();
        if ( this.useCookie )
            WebFXTabPane.setCookie( "webfxtab_" + this.element.id, n );    // session cookie
WebFXTabPane.prototype.getSelectedIndex = function () {
    return this.selectedIndex;
WebFXTabPane.prototype.addTabPage = function ( oElement ) {
    if ( !hasSupport() ) return;
    if ( oElement.tabPage == this )    // already added
        return oElement.tabPage;

    var n = this.pages.length;
    var tp = this.pages[n] = new WebFXTabPage( oElement, this, n );
    tp.tabPane = this;
    // move the tab out of the box
    this.tabRow.appendChild( tp.tab );
    if ( n == this.selectedIndex )
    return tp;
WebFXTabPane.prototype.dispose = function () {
    this.element.tabPane = null;
    this.element = null;        
    this.tabRow = null;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++) {
        this.pages[i] = null;
    this.pages = null;

// Cookie handling
WebFXTabPane.setCookie = function ( sName, sValue, nDays ) {
    var expires = "";
    if ( nDays ) {
        var d = new Date();
        d.setTime( d.getTime() + nDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 );
        expires = "; expires=" + d.toGMTString();

    document.cookie = sName + "=" + sValue + expires + "; path=/";

WebFXTabPane.getCookie = function (sName) {
    var re = new RegExp( "(\;|^)[^;]*(" + sName + ")\=([^;]*)(;|$)" );
    var res = re.exec( document.cookie );
    return res != null ? res[3] : null;

WebFXTabPane.removeCookie = function ( name ) {
    setCookie( name, "", -1 );

// The constructor for tab pages. This one should not be used.
// Use WebFXTabPage.addTabPage instead
// el : HTMLElement            The html element used to represent the tab pane
// tabPane : WebFXTabPane    The parent tab pane
// nindex :    Number            The index of the page in the parent pane page array
function WebFXTabPage( el, tabPane, nIndex ) {
    if ( !hasSupport() || el == null ) return;
    this.element = el;
    this.element.tabPage = this;
    this.index = nIndex;
    var cs = el.childNodes;
    for (var i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
        if (cs[i].nodeType == 1 && cs[i].className == "tab") {
            this.tab = cs[i];
    // insert a tag around content to support keyboard navigation
    var a = document.createElement( "A" );
    this.aElement = a;
    a.href = "#";
    a.onclick = function () { return false; };
    while ( this.tab.hasChildNodes() )
        a.appendChild( this.tab.firstChild );
    this.tab.appendChild( a );

    // hook up events, using DOM0
    var oThis = this;
    this.tab.onclick = function () { oThis.select(); };
    this.tab.onmouseover = function () { WebFXTabPage.tabOver( oThis ); };
    this.tab.onmouseout = function () { WebFXTabPage.tabOut( oThis ); };

WebFXTabPage.prototype.show = function () {
    var el = this.tab;
    var s = el.className + " selected";
    s = s.replace(/ +/g, " ");
    el.className = s;
    this.element.style.display = "block";

WebFXTabPage.prototype.hide = function () {
    var el = this.tab;
    var s = el.className;
    s = s.replace(/ selected/g, "");
    el.className = s;

    this.element.style.display = "none";
WebFXTabPage.prototype.select = function () {
    this.tabPane.setSelectedIndex( this.index );
WebFXTabPage.prototype.dispose = function () {
    this.aElement.onclick = null;
    this.aElement = null;
    this.element.tabPage = null;
    this.tab.onclick = null;
    this.tab.onmouseover = null;
    this.tab.onmouseout = null;
    this.tab = null;
    this.tabPane = null;
    this.element = null;

WebFXTabPage.tabOver = function ( tabpage ) {
    var el = tabpage.tab;
    var s = el.className + " hover";
    s = s.replace(/ +/g, " ");
    el.className = s;

WebFXTabPage.tabOut = function ( tabpage ) {
    var el = tabpage.tab;
    var s = el.className;
    s = s.replace(/ hover/g, "");
    el.className = s;

// This function initializes all uninitialized tab panes and tab pages
function setupAllTabs() {
    if ( !hasSupport() ) return;

    var all = document.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
    var l = all.length;
    var tabPaneRe = /tab\-pane/;
    var tabPageRe = /tab\-page/;
    var cn, el;
    var parentTabPane;
    for ( var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
        el = all[i]
        cn = el.className;

        // no className
        if ( cn == "" ) continue;
        // uninitiated tab pane
        if ( tabPaneRe.test( cn ) && !el.tabPane )
            new WebFXTabPane( el );
        // unitiated tab page wit a valid tab pane parent
        else if ( tabPageRe.test( cn ) && !el.tabPage &&
                    tabPaneRe.test( el.parentNode.className ) ) {
            el.parentNode.tabPane.addTabPage( el );            

function disposeAllTabs() {
    if ( !hasSupport() ) return;
    var all = document.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
    var l = all.length;
    var tabPaneRe = /tab\-pane/;
    var cn, el;
    var tabPanes = [];
    for ( var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
        el = all[i]
        cn = el.className;

        // no className
        if ( cn == "" ) continue;
        // tab pane
        if ( tabPaneRe.test( cn ) && el.tabPane )
            tabPanes[tabPanes.length] = el.tabPane;
    for (var i = tabPanes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        tabPanes[i] = null;

// initialization hook up

// DOM2
if ( typeof window.addEventListener != "undefined" )
    window.addEventListener( "load", setupAllTabs, false );

// IE
else if ( typeof window.attachEvent != "undefined" ) {
    window.attachEvent( "onload", setupAllTabs );
    window.attachEvent( "onunload", disposeAllTabs );

else {
    if ( window.onload != null ) {
        var oldOnload = window.onload;
        window.onload = function ( e ) {
            oldOnload( e );
        window.onload = setupAllTabs;


.dynamic-tab-pane-control.tab-pane {
    position:    relative;
    width:        100%;

.dynamic-tab-pane-control .tab-row .tab {
    font:            Menu;
    cursor:            Default;
    display:        inline;
    margin:            1px -1px 1px 2px;
    float:            left;
    padding:        2px 5px 3px 5px;
    background:        ActiveBorder;
    border:            0;/* 1px solid; */
    border-color:    ThreeDHighlight ThreeDDarkShadow
                    ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDHighlight;
    border-bottom:    0;
    z-index:        1;
    white-space:    nowrap;
    position:        relative;
    top:            0;

.dynamic-tab-pane-control .tab-row .tab.selected {
    background:        ThreeDHighlight !important;
    border:            1px solid ThreeDDarkShadow;
    border-bottom:    0;
    z-index:        3;
    padding:        2px 6px 4px 6px;
    margin:            1px -3px -3px 0px;
    top:            -2px;

.dynamic-tab-pane-control .tab-row .tab a {
    font:                Menu;
    color:                WindowText;
    text-decoration:    none;
    cursor:                default;

.dynamic-tab-pane-control .tab-row .tab.hover {
    background:    Highlight;

.dynamic-tab-pane-control .tab-page {
    clear:            both;
    border:            1px solid ThreeDDarkShadow;
    background:        ThreeDHighlight;
    z-index:        2;
    position:        relative;
    top:            -2px;
    color:            WindowText;
    font:            Message-Box;
    padding:        10px;
    height:            200px;

.dynamic-tab-pane-control .tab-row {
    z-index:        1;
    white-space:    nowrap;



Tab Pane Demo (WebFX)

    Select Style Sheet

    value="css/luna/tab.css" onclick="setLinkSrc('luna')"/>

     onclick="setLinkSrc('webfx')" />

    value="css/tab.winclassic.css" onclick="setLinkSrc('winclassic')"/>





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            This is text of tab 4. This is text of tab 4. This is text of tab 4.


Another tab below




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                This is text of tab 1. This is text of tab 1. This is text of tab 1.




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                This is text of tab 2. This is text of tab 2. This is text of tab 2.
                This is text of tab 2. This is text of tab 2. This is text of tab 2.




上一篇: 逝去的爱情
下一篇: 学着写的一个二级菜单
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目田万岁[2011-08-11 07:45 PM | | | | del | 取消审核 | 回复回复]
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